This Studio Policy sets forth the standards and expectations that we have for each student that we instruct. To help all of our students learn in a professional setting and in an organized manner, we need the students and parents to review this Studio Policy so that everyone is on the same page with what is expected. While we can make exceptions for the unexpected event that arises, this Studio Policy will be our guide for our students. Studio policy is subject to revision from time to time. Please let us know if you have any questions.

ENROLLMENT: Every student will be taken by a 20 to 30-minute interview/evaluation. During this first meeting, the teacher will check the student's attitude to study music and play the piano. With some tests the teacher will verify: aural skills, rhythmic skills, physical attitude to play the piano, visual skills, concentration skills, connection with teacher. The parents will get a written report within 5 days. If the student is taken and the parents would like to move forward with the lessons, the fee of the evaluation will go through the tuition as long as the student will start with the lessons within 30 days. If the student will not be taken because it is considered not a good fit for the studio, the fee will be refunded. If the student is considered a good fit but the parents decide not to move forward with the lesson, the fee will be forfeited. In any case the parents will get a written report. During the test, especially if it is a very young student, the teacher will try to make the experience for the student fun and comfortable but at same time, in order for the teacher to provide the best evaluation, it is very important that the student doesn’t arrive extremely tired or there are other distractions like a noisy sibling in the room during the test.

COMMITMENT: The lessons are organized per quarter and these quarters go with the school year. Except for the masterclasses, which are single lessons reserved to very advanced students that have to get ready for concerts or competitions, a minimum enrollment of 1 school quarter (refer to Calendar) is required to make sure that the students take the lessons seriously and to achieve a reasonable goal set up in the beginning. During Christmas and during the summer (from the end of May to the beginning of August) the studio still offers piano lessons but in order to accommodate vacations, the studio will operate on a "per student” basis according to their needs and schedule. For each quarter it will be the same number of lessons for all the students.

PAYMENT: In order to reserve the spot for the quarter, payment is required in advance through invoice. Payment for the masterclass is due anytime before the masterclass. Once the payment is made, the lesson will be confirmed and the spot will be reserved. Payment for the interview/evaluation will be required in advance through invoice. Once the payment is made, the interview/evaluation spot will be reserved.

MAKE UP LESSONS AND REFUNDS: the studio offers high flexibility about the make-up lessons through a shared calendar with all the time slots available, updated for each school quarter. Whenever a student wants to reschedule a lesson they can see all the time slots available and send an email (no text messages) to with the time slot that they prefer, within the end of the school quarter. If you cannot do the makeup the week that you miss the lesson, you could double up on a future week. Even scheduling lessons on back to back days is perfectly fine for the student, the make-up lesson only needs to be in the same quarter of the lesson missed. Of course, this does not guarantee that for the make-up lesson the students will find the time slot that works perfectly for their schedule, but it gives the possibility for the students that are very dedicated to studying the piano not to lose the class. In case 2 students notify around the same time for the same slot, the confirmation will be given to the student that notifies earlier. It is possible to reschedule the lesson within the quarter as many times as the student wants, as long as an email notification is sent midnight before the day of the lesson. In case a student decides to stop taking piano lessons and still has make-up lessons to do, those lessons need to be scheduled within the end of the school quarter. If the students will not show up for any reason, the lesson will be forfeited with no exceptions. If for any reason the teacher cannot teach a lesson, the student can choose to have a refund for that lesson or to reschedule it.

PUNCTUALITY Please make sure to be on time at the lesson. A tardy student will be given only the time remaining in the student’s scheduled lesson period. Students should be quiet while in the waiting area so as not to disturb other students. Students should bring all required books and materials to each lesson. Parents should pick students up as soon as the lesson is over to avoid overcrowding in the waiting area.

RECITAL: The studio holds recitals every year, which will be announced at least 3 months before the recital date. Students will be assigned a recital piece. Attendance at the recital is mandatory. If the student is not ready or cannot attend the recital (except for rare exceptions), he/she may be dismissed by the studio. In addition to being an enjoyable experience, the performance is also considered a test and milestone of the piano study. Friends and family are encouraged to attend the recitals. Please refrain from bringing young children if they can disturb the recitals.

PRACTICE EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to practice every single day with few exceptions. Parents should ensure that the student is given a quiet practice area. Parents should monitor practices and ensure that all of the assignments given to the student are completed.

PARENTS ATTENDANCE DURING THE LESSON: For minor students, parents attendance is required during the whole lesson. Also the studio encourages parents to quietly observe lessons for their children and make recordings if they think it can help the children to practice at home in the right way. The studio asks the parent to refrain from bringing young children that may disturb the lesson.

FOOD AND DRINKS: Food and drink are not permitted in the studio.

CANCELLATION AND DISCONTINUING POLICY:  The renewal to next quarter is not automatic, therefore, in case a student doesn’t want to continue with another quarter there is no need to provide any prior notice. If the student wants to stop in the middle of the quarter, the rest of the lessons will be forfeited if not rescheduled within the end of the quarter. The piano studio reserves the right to terminate a student who, for any reason, cannot adjust to the program. The studio will try all means to solve the problem but if it persists, the student will be terminated and a refund of the remaining lessons will be given or not, according to the situation.